Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I Heart Funky White Boys

By Laquita Luv

The latest offering, “Brothers,” from the duo The Black Keys finds the boys on a steady path of evolution without sacrificing the sultry grit they established with their 2002 debut “The Big Come Up.” Progressing into friendly hooks while retaining a sound that intimates a dirty secret beneath—like tattoos under a Brooks Brothers suit—keeps them from being considered a sellout to pop culture.

Every track from the new album transports me to one of three realms: a smoky lounge with tattered oriental rugs and couches that have seen better days; a dark basement jam session; or a private room at a club with strong arms and a tight rump working a pole.

The Black Keys gained some notoriety through “I’ll Be Your Man,” off their debut album “The Big Come Up,” being chosen as the theme song to HBO’s “Hung”—a track that fits so perfectly with the show, one would think it was written after viewing the pilot. Their tracks have been featured in numerous films, TV shows, and video games and continue to be noticed by musical communities from Rock to Hip Hop.

Discography: The Big Come Up (2002), Thickfreakness (2003), The Moan EP (2004), Rubber Factory (2004), Chulahoma (2006), Magic Potion (2006), Attack & Release (2008), Brothers (2010).

Head to the official Gem District Drop Site for a limited time to download a sampler for your listening pleasure.

This is sexy music for grownups, people.

I’ve personally requested that they cover “Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress)” by The Hollies, but I doubt they’ve heard my plea.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Grey Does Matter..

Grey Does Matter...

Tempermental… Beats


Wow.. G.ood E.ntertaining M.usic

Tempermental (the DJ/Producer) provides the mood, Illustrate(MC/Spoken Word Artist) well…illustrates the picture (pun intended). Together you have music that anyone can truly enjoy. Illustrate is a truly gifted writer. He takes your mind through well crafted lyrics filled with emotion/wordplay and simply put.. talent. Tempermental is a beatsmith of the highest caliber. He manages to provide the perfect compliment to Illustrate’s rhymes scheme on every track.

Has (2) EP’s for your listening pleasure, and their album is set to release 8/10/2010. My purpose here is to help people that feel trapped by the radio in finding new music. My “thing” is finding G.E.M.’s in the hip hop world. Without a doubt, Grey Matter is just that.

Standout Tracks:

The Problem – Illustrate spitting some truth on a ridiculous Tempermental beat.

Same Old Story- This is why you make music...

Breathe – Breathe is just like Eternia’s track “To The Future.” Illustrate puts his heart and soul in the song. The emotions are only magnified by that Tempermental beat… ri-dic-u-lous…

Grey Matter.. .Matters werd

Jeah mang jeah